The SToMP (Software Teaching of Modular Physics) project was funded in the UK in 1992 to create a learning environment for some common first year physics courses. From the mid 90s, this included an assessment system that supported the delivery of the following question types:
- List (radio button)
- List (check boxes)
- Rank ordering
- Pair matching
- Numeric
- Text
- Random numeric
Dick Bacon (r.bacon at has shared information about the project and given permission to share the documents below.
He advises that after about 6 months the project’s Open University representative, Steve Swithenby, pointed out that they really should have an assessment component, and during a six week sabbatical in Sweden, Dick created a prototype in Visual Basic handling, he believes, single and multiple choice, pairing and ordering questions. About 1994-5 the real version was produced, see details in the document below. In 2002-ish this was replaced by a QTI v1.2 system that outlived the rest of the SToMP project. Dick retains the SToMP name for his current SToMPII QTIv2 system (see
Here is a screenshot of the 1994-95 version. It shows a five question test, the questions being in the formatted text viewer on the right. The response box has a tab for each question, and the user has just got the first question wrong and has the feedback displayed. It is a self test, so results are not recorded and the student can try again as many times as wanted.
Some links on SToMP
- SToMP: A Dynamic Approach to Courseware Development by James Hunt and Richard Bacon 1997
- Current SToMP website:
- Copy of SToMP website in Wayback machine from 2001:
And here are copies of the SToMP manuals with great detail on the functionality:
- Development manual for the whole of the SToMP materials which gives context dated December 1997 (see chapter 5 for the assessment system) [PDF] [Word]
- A version of the chapter 5 on assessments dated October 1994 [PDF] [Word]
Thanks Dick for sharing this important 1990s example of assessment technology.